Saturday, June 08, 2013

Books and Articles

  1. 1000 Most Common Words in English - Numbers Vocabulary for ESL EFL TEFL TOEFL TESL English Learners.xls
  2. 1306.1527.pdf
  3. A Critique of Pure String Theory - Heterodox Opinions of Diverse Dimensions.pdf
  4. A Second Generation Force Field for the Simulation of Proteins, Nucleic Acids, and Organic Molecules.pdf
  5. A quantum mechanical polarizable force field for biomolecular interactions.pdf
  6. Adobe Photoshop CS for Photographers_Martin Evening 2004.pdf
  7. Alvaro Azevedo - Mecanica Dos Solos - PT.pdf
  8. Application of a Universal Force Field to Main Group Compounds. J.Am.Chem.SOC.1992,114,10046-10053.pdf
  9. Application of a Universal Force Field to Organic Molecules.pdf
  10. Comp Sim of Urea-Water Mixtures. A Test of Force Field Parameters for Use in Biomolecular Simulation.pdf
  11. Development and Testing of a General Amber Force Field.pdf
  12. Development of Polarizable Water Force Fields for Phase Equilibrium Calculations.pdf
  13. Dynamical fluctuating charge force fields. Application to liquid water. J.Chem.Phys.,Vol.101,No.7,1994.pdf
  14. Effects of the polarizability and water density constraint on the structure.pdf
  15. Electrohydrodynamics_of_Charged_Surfaces.pdf
  16. Elena Hurberger - What Counts-chap2.pdf
  17. Fizicheskie_osnovy_kriobiologii.pdf
  18. Force Field Influence on the Observation of -Helical Protein Structures in Molecular.pdf
  19. Force field parametrization by weak coupling.Re-engineering SPC water.pdf
  20. Force-field parametrization and molecular dynamics simulations of Congo.pdf
  21. Fundamental_light_source_and_lasers.pdf
  22. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 4th ed - C. Alexander, M. Sadiku (McGraw-Hill, 2009) WW.pdf
  23. Games-Course Technology 3D Game Programming All In One Ebook-Lib.chm
  24. Haisch - Inertia as zero-point-field Lorentz force (1994).pdf
  25. Lawler_G.F._Introduction_to_stochastic_processes_(Chapman-Hall,_1995)(ISBN_0412995115)(K)(T)(188s)_MVspa_.pdf
  26. Lecture.Notes.on.Elementary.Topology.and.Geometry, I.M.Singer.And.J.A.Thorpe.pdf
  27. Lectures on metaphysics and logic (vol 4) - Hamilton.pdf
  28. Materials Science and Engineering Handbook. CHAPTER 4 Thermodynamic and Kinetic Data.pdf
  29. Materials Science and. CHAPTER 14 Selecting Electrical Properties.pdf
  30. Math.MIT Press.Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics Complete.pdf
  31. Mathematics_for_Physics_I.pdf
  32. field development.pdf
  33. Modelirovanie_na_JeVM_atomnyh_konfiguraciy_defektov_v_metallah.pdf
  34. Molecular force field development for saccharides using the SPASIBA spectroscopic potential.pdf
  35. Nature of force acting on charged classical particle deviated from its geodesic path.pdf
  36. New English File - Pre-intermediate Workbook Key.pdf
  37. New Headway English Course - Beginner (Tests) [Julia Starr Keddle] [found via].pdf
  38. New Headway English Course - Upper-Intermediate [found via].pdf
  39. Novaya_Zhizn_Polnoy_Integriruemosti.pdf
  40. Novel Self-Assembled Chain of Water Molecules in a Metal-Organic Framework Structure.pdf
  41. Novosti_Fiziki_v_Seti_Internet_Tom183_N4.pdf
  42. Novosti_Fiziki_v_Seti_Internet_Tom183_N5.pdf
  43. Osnovnye_Etapy_Atomnogo_proekta.pdf
  44. Osnovnye_Uravneniya_Kvantovoj_Mehaniki.pdf
  45. Parametrization of Backbone-Electrostatic and Multibody Contributions to the UNRES Force Field.pdf
  46. Physics - Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics.pdf
  47. Quantum Mechanics.pdf
  48. Quantum-Chemical and Force-Field Investigations of Ice Ih. Computation of Proton-Ordered Structures.pdf
  49. Relyativistskie_zerkala_v_plazme.pdf
  50. Relyativistskoe_Volnovoe_Uravnenie_Electrona.pdf
  51. Staticheskie_Svoystva_Dinamicheskogo_Khaosa.pdf
  52. Steen_Effects of Roads on the Structure of Freshwater Turtle.pdf
  53. Structure and Stability of Water Clusters (H2O)n, n) 8-20. An Ab Initio Investigation.pdf
  54. Structure and dynamics of water at the interface with phospholipid bilayers.pdf
  55. Strukturnye_modeli_vody.pdf
  56. Study of the hydronium ion in water. A combined quantum chemical and statistical mechanical treatment.pdf
  57. The Nature Of The Universe, Its Form, Substance, Energy, Force, Character And Structure.pdf
  58. The electronic structure of liquid water within density-functional theory.pdf
  59. The properties of ion-water clusters. II. Solvation structures of Na+, Cl-, and H+ clusters.pdf
  60. Thomas_Differencial_Equations-16_First_Order-17_Second_Order.pdf
  61. UFF, a Full Periodic Table Force Field for Molecular Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.pdf
  62. Valone - Harnessing The Wheelwork Of Nature - Tesla's Science Of Energy (2002).pdf
  63. Water Structure from Scattering Experiments and Simulation.pdf
  64. Water_Retaining_Structures_Design.pdf
  65. Winston S Churchill - The Story Of The Malakand Field Force(1).pdf
  66. Winston S Churchill - The Story Of The Malakand Field Force.pdf
  67. Zhizn_v_Fizike.pdf
  68. data_1_2.mdb
  69. eBook.Wrox_Press-Expert_One-on-One_J2EE_Design_and_Development.ShareHeaven.chm
  70. inorganic chemistry course-lecture5.ppt
  71. lc_physics_teachers_guide.pdf
  72. metod_molekuljarnoy_dinamiki.pdf
  73. vapor interface revisited using the Amoeba force fieldions.pdf

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